As part of our ongoing efforts to maintain a peaceful and harmonious environment for all members, RBMC would like to remind everyone of the noise ordinance in place. This ordinance is designed to minimize disturbances during quiet hours and ensure that all members of River Bend can enjoy their time at the river without undue noise disruptions.

Quiet Hours

Between the hours of 10:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m., the noise level at any should not exceed 60 decibels (dB). To put this into perspective, 60 dB is approximately the sound level of a normal conversation or the hum of an air conditioner.

This standard is incorporated into River Bend’s own community policies. Under the Nuisance Acts of the Uniform Member Code, River Bend adheres to the same noise restrictions set by Berkeley County. This means that security has the authority to enforce these rules to ensure a peaceful River Bend environment.

Penalties for Violating Quiet Hours

MEMBER must be aware of the potential penalties for violating these noise restrictions. In River Bend, the following steps will be taken for noise violations:

First offense: A warning
Second offense: A $50 fine
Third offense: A $100 fine

If the Berkeley County Sheriff's Office observes a violation of the noise ordinance, the penalties are more severe:

First offense: A fine between $250 and $500
Subsequent offenses: Fines ranging from $500 to $1,000

How to Access More Information

For those who would like to read the ordinance in more detail or have any further questions, you can visit the Berkeley County website at, where the full text is available.

We ask all members to be mindful of the quiet hours and help maintain a respectful and quiet atmosphere in our park. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to reach out to the RBMC General Manager.

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